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  • Oh no! My fugu’s color won’t reset! D:

    If you’re playing the game “Hatch” as well and already tried out the colored eggplants, you might have experienced this: after feeding your fugu an eggplant of the same color again, the new colors won’t wear off and the basic tinct of your little friend doesn’t come back! On their facebook page, the creators of Hatch reassure that this is only a non-permanent state though and depending on how many of the same colored eggplants you gave to your fugu, the process might take up to weeks! The quickest way to get back the original color is to give a different eggplant and wait until this color has worn off (which will take a few hours).

    Wenn du ebenfalls “Hatch” spielst, hast du folgendes Problem vielleicht auch schon erlebt: dein kleiner Fugu bekommt erneut eine Färbe-Frucht der gleichen Farbe und wird diese dann nicht mehr los! Stundenlang wartet man, dass die Grundfarben des Kleinen wiederkommen … vergeblich. PANIK! D:
    Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite haben die Entwickler des Spiels allerdings versichert, dass die Färbung durch diese Früchte immer zeitlich begrenzt ist; sie kann allerdings Wochen anhalten! Der schnellste Weg, um die Original-Farbe wiederzubekommen, ist, dem Fugu eine andersfarbige Frucht zu geben und dann abzuwarten, bis diese Farbe wieder verschwindet. Das dauert dann nur ein paar Stunden ;)

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  • News about MiraMiracle

    As I mentioned before, there is going to be a new game from the same people who made Ayakashi: Ghost Guild come to life: MiraMiracle. Now there’s news how you can apply for the old-friend-pack (having played Ayakashi before): you can find the post here. Check it out! <3

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  • Alternatives to Ayakashi …

    Yeah. Those people really did that ._. Zynga really closed Ayakashi! I was happy when the game still worked on 30th April, but today it was gone. Server connection failed.
    I know, I know … Nothing lasts forever. Please bear with me, this is the first game I lost that I really REALLY liked. BUT even though they didn’t care about the fans at all (people at DeNa did a better job and let Monster Match alive, only not bringing any new events or monsters), there still is HOPE :D

    1) First of all, there already is a great game called Devil Maker: Tokyo, which offers even a lot more and also has tons of beautiful cards for you to get! Check it out <3 2) Also, there is going to be a new game from the original Ayakashi team, see their facebook page here! I’ve heard that if you send them an e-mail to with your in-game name and game ID from Ayakashi (not sure if they’re really needed, but please send an e-mail ;)) you will get a nice surprise once they’ve set up the game and you start playing it :)

    Can’t wait for it to go on the App Store (hoping it will come to the German store as well)!
    Mira Miracle_Ayakashi

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  • In need of help … Twitch!

    OMG … this was just the worst stream ever seen D: I couldn’t get things right and even after setting everything in place I still got lots of problems while streaming! I had created a Twitch account and tried for hours to get a stream working. And now there are still so many problems …
    It would be so awesome if someone could tell me what I can do to improve the streaming!!!

    I got:
    – Windows 7 PC
    – iPad with game
    – Reflector 2
    – XSplit Broadcaster

    – Selecting the Reflector window doesn’t work so I had to select a part of the desktop where I had put the window of the iPad screen. There kept coming notices from Twitch and they went all through the stream because of this ==’ I don’t know why XSplit doesn’t recognize the window, it always used to work with the LoiLo Game Recorder (no streaming possible though, sadly)!
    – The framerate is really bad! It was terrible for playing, too laggy for anything!

    Oh dear … Why did I even start this on a Friday evening ==’ Now I’ll have to spent all weekend to get it right. Please help ;^;

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  • Zynga closes Ayakashi: Ghost Guild

    Zynga announced that on 30th April 2015 they will close down their mobile game Ayakashi: Ghost Guild.
    I find this very sad ;^; It’s been one of my most loved games on the iPod and I’ve really fallen in love with the awesome character of Mira! ^-^ I’ve signed a petition just in case, maybe we can accomplish something :)

    You can find the petition here:
    It’s worth a try …


    Zynga hat nun offiziell bestätigt, dass das Spiel am 30. April eingestellt wird. Mir ist es wirklich ans Herz gewachsen, besonders Mira! <3 Deshalb finde ich es sehr schade, dass diese Entscheidung getroffen wurde T-T Dennoch gibt es im Internet eine Petition, mit der wir vielleicht etwas erreichen können - schaden kann es jedenfalls nicht! Hier ist der Link:


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