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  • TDUMS 16/04/2015

    TDUMS 16/04/2015

    The first time she finally discovered she had practiced the “magic eyes” spell correctly was in the supermarket. In the vegetable area (right next to the potatoes) there was the vision of a little (about as tall as a short woman) GREEN creature with a big nose and large but pointy ears. He was sorting all kinds of vegetables into his shopping cart and sniffing on some of them if they were still fresh. She must have looked at him in surprise and maybe shock, but gladly he didn’t notice as he was busy finding the best ingredients for his meal. On the first visible layer that anyone could see this person was a rather handsome man with brown eyes and dark hair. Under normal circumstances, she might even have tried talking to him; like this though she didn’t dare because she first wanted to get used to people showing their true form.
    A few days later she suddenly noticed a pair of glittering wings in the perfume area of the shopping mall and found out that the woman selling perfumes was apparently a fairy. Somehow she started liking these interesting sightings.
    Every day she began her morning with setting the spell so that she would never forget putting it on.
    There was one thing she was wondering about though: would these people be able to see that she knew about them (other than maybe screaming out of surprise)?

    2 responses to “TDUMS 16/04/2015”

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    1. ASTROCAT Avatar

      I like the magic that is created from normal situations, but the aren’t normal.
      When the reality is magic exchange their energy situations can arise very beautiful where fantasy really flies !!!
      Tifa compliments !!!! :-))))

      1. Tifa Avatar

        Glad you like the story, thank you so much! :)

  • TDUMS 15/04/2015

    From when the lessons had started, her dreams got a bit weirder than usual. More often she dreamed about gnomes and fairies, people she knew who suddenly showed they were werewolves or something similar. After a while of getting used to the topics, her dreams went mainly back to normal again.
    There was this one time with an especially strange night though. She remembered that her sleep hadn’t been calm and she had been tossing and turning in her bed. What was weird was that usually she had no problem remembering the dream itself! Right now though she only knew how she had felt during the dream and that she had been rather upset when she woke up. “I need to save Mira!”, was the one thing she knew for sure.
    Was she in severe danger? What had happened? And WHO was Mira?!

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    1. ASTROCAT Avatar

      Mira , was a warrior of the time that had the task of waiting for the dawn to hunt werewolves whowere about to take over.
      Had entered the dream to warn that the weather was in danger is with the help of her could make the time line could continue.
      But one day during class ad extraordinary thing happened , a gnome was standing in front her and in a moment disappeared because he had been struck by the spear of glittering werewolf.
      Everyone was scared, but she with her calm could see the future , the dream is mixed with the reality of the colors, but suddenly felt from afar the raps and preciseo of time .
      Mira had a magic bringing everything its proper time .
      But this feeling disappeared because she had only dreamed if dreaming, but the magic was in her thoughts…….

      1. Tifa Avatar

        Wow, you got an amazing imagination! She shall appear again ^-^

  • TDUMS 14/04/2015

    So anyone could be a creature of magic. That somehow sounded terrifying to her. But she saw that the students in the classroom were wondering about the same thing… Everyone looked around sceptically.
    Finally (after waiting for a bit too long as she thought, he probably enjoyed their looks every time he came to this subject), the teacher showed them there was a convenient way to find out about all magical things (and people) going on: a spell to use on your eyes so you can see below the magically created illusions! There wasn’t a guarantee to see everything though, because depending on the magical strength the creator of this layer had, you might just see something blurry and not clearly the true form! But it was something at least.
    The students now saw a looping video of beautiful woman waving at them and were told to practice the spell until they were able to see what she was hiding. Unfortunately, nobody was there to practice this magic with her. She hadn’t needed much help so far but it was difficult testing this without someone magical! Darn. Her own video of the classroom wasn’t of much help either because you needed special cameras to capture the other layers of reality! Like the one used for the waving woman. In the video of the video the layers got lost. So she’d probably have to practice and hope it would work for real… Meh.

    By the way… the beautiful woman turned out to be a little gnome with a big nose. Funnily, she was still the teacher’s wife…

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    1. ASTROCAT Avatar

      The view of reality in layers is real , becomes magicv when you produce different illusions, perhaps the gnome and the woman can exist in the same moment , but in a different place despite being so incredibly different.
      Excellent magic , the video is (perhaps) a differnt expression or a way of communicating to very different forms from us. Or a justa dream very executed.
      Every expression of fantasy , imagination becomes magic beecause it remains in the unconscious beauty of belienving a character or situation that isn’t what it appears.

      Tifa very very good ;) + :)


      1. Tifa Avatar

        Thank you very much! It makes me happy you like it! :)

  • TDUMS 13/04/2015

    // Magical creatures in today’s world

    One might expect that nowadays there are only few – if at all – magical creatures around, because we’re living in a world of knowledge and technology and there is simply no space for mystical appearances. This thought is plain wrong!
    Like many other animals and plants, creatures of magic have learned to adapt to the world as it is now. Have you ever wondered why suddenly your computer is being all weird? About strange dreams at night? Stuff in your shopping cart that you definitely haven’t put in there (but notice at the checkout so you’ll have to buy it to not look all weird to everyone else)? These are often signs of a little gnome or fairy (they can be mean as well… sometimes) having fun.
    If you’re wondering now how they can hide from our eyes – it’s fairly easy: with MAGIC. There are spells which are used to change the appearance of something (or someone). If you’ve got a neighbor capable of using magic (only a few different spells in this case), he might actually be a troll! Funny, huh? This might also explain why he always keeps running into things. No motor skills, those guys…

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  • TDUMS 12/04/2015

    There were so many interesting things to learn! Not just how to use magic, but also about science in general, mythological creatures and which actually existed (more than you would believe! Often people just added a few cool features though or forgot about others) and important magicians, who sometimes didn’t even know they were using magic. Some lessons were mainly about how the world functions.
    She was glad that the videos were automatically saved to one of her harddrives and she could rewatch them again to write down some of the most important facts that she considered good to know in case she would get into trouble (with fairies, gnomes or running late for an important meeting again).
    So many useful facts and, as odd as it might sound, everything seemed to follow logical ways! Even though it was magic and that usually is seen as unexplainable.
    The little notebook was always in her bag and she felt good knowing she was able to look everything up. Early they were told that there are many different types of magic, such as elemental magic involving her glass of water. She knew some of them already because of her love for fantasy games and the common use of magic like elemental, white, black and death magic. There were a lot more types to know though! Sometimes there were different names for the same group of magic or different people used another way of sorting them.
    No matter what exactly it was called though, she especially loved the spell to add new pages to her notebook out of nowhere (well, not totally nowhere, but it was cool nonetheless!) and still keeping it the same size. So much space! It was just important not to use such things in front of other people. Magicians loved to appear mysterious and they probably wouldn’t like to see HER doing such things in public.

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