The world’s been waiting for this for so long <3
Found the awesome news here!
Can you own too many Pokémon games?! Never!
This video really gave me the shivers. I want a little bulbasaur so badly now.
Need. To. Play. Pokémon.
Thank you so much! <3
The world’s been waiting for this for so long <3
Found the awesome news here!
Can you own too many Pokémon games?! Never!
This video really gave me the shivers. I want a little bulbasaur so badly now.
Need. To. Play. Pokémon.
EDIT: And also … DMT made an event knowing many Ayakashi players would arrive (reaching Level 30 within a short range of time and therefore being granted a rank 7 card)! And now they suffer the same fate? Oh, the irony …
EDIT 2: Here‘s the official announcement by the way.
I mean – WTF?!? After Ayakashi, Devil Maker: Tokyo is now closing as well. AND I JUST THOUGHT I HAD FOUND A REPLACEMENT! It was such an awesome game, dammit! Still is! There should be a way of making your cards and the story available for offline use so everyone can keep what they have achieved so far! I really hate this aspect of online games. Maybe I should only play offline games from now on, then I am not depending on some darn servers which could get turned off at any time!
DO ALL THE AWESOME CARD GAMES HAVE TO DIE?!? Seriously, WHY?!? Weird games can stay because there are enough people paying with real money and the great games that have an interesting story and cool gameplay, they are being turned off?
I am sooo frustrated right now, I was missing Ayakashi: Ghost Guild still and now Devil Maker: Tokyo will leave as well (mentioned 1st October this year).
Only thing left for me now is waiting for Mira Miracle. I just really hope that one will stay like forever and be more awesome than any other game! Ohhh, please!!!
There’s a new IGN Free Game of the Month! Check out the details right here:
IGN has partnered with Atypical Games to give gamers Radiation Island for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad free-of-charge! All copies of this excellent open world survival game are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, so be sure to visit grab your free copy ASAP:
Radiation Island is a massive and polished open-world exploration game. Players can hunt zombies, solve puzzles, and harvest raw resources to build your own house. Best of all? The entire experience is 100% In-App-Purchase free. Simply download the game and go. Can you solve Radiation Island’s mysteries, survive the wildlife, and escape alive?
I’ve been on Twitch for a while, now you can also find me on YouTube Live Gaming! ^-^ I added the link to the website, right next to Twitch. If it works smoothly, the stream will be sent to both services.
I’ll keep posting when starting the stream, so watch out for the Facebook or Google+ posts!
So I just bought an XBox360 controller for my pc. This might sound a bit weird because why use a controller on a computer instead of a console? Yet I believe it’ll be easier for me to play e. g. Ori and the Blind Forest (aka jump’n’run games) with a controller instead of keyboard and mouse. And also because I looove controllers xD I’d love to stream from my console one day but I figure it’ll take a bit more of work / time (and a gadget + cables) until I got that running. So until then … this will hopefully be awesome :D
Sooo … You guys know any great games for pc which work just perfectly with a controller?
Also … ich habe mir gerade einen XBox360-Controller für meinen PC gekauft. Klingt seltsam, oder? Eigentlich könnte ich besser direkt auf der Konsole spielen. Aaaber! Ich denke, dass mir das Spielen von Jump’n’Run-Spielen wie z. B. Ori and the Blind Forest wesentlich besser mit einem Controller gelingen wird (hoffe ich zumindest). Und ich finde Controller einfach klasse <3 Irgendwann möchte ich auch von meiner Konsole streamen. Aber ich schätze, dass das noch wesentlich mehr Arbeit / Zeit und definitiv ein Gerät und Kabel benötigen wird, bis es vernünftig funktioniert ... Und davor habe ich Angst xD Am PC ist irgendwie alles beisammen. Also wird das mit dem Controller hoffentlich auch gut klappen! Könnt ihr mir Spiele für den PC empfehlen, die man super mit einem Controller spielen kann? :D