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  • In need of help … Twitch!

    OMG … this was just the worst stream ever seen D: I couldn’t get things right and even after setting everything in place I still got lots of problems while streaming! I had created a Twitch account and tried for hours to get a stream working. And now there are still so many problems …
    It would be so awesome if someone could tell me what I can do to improve the streaming!!!

    I got:
    – Windows 7 PC
    – iPad with game
    – Reflector 2
    – XSplit Broadcaster

    – Selecting the Reflector window doesn’t work so I had to select a part of the desktop where I had put the window of the iPad screen. There kept coming notices from Twitch and they went all through the stream because of this ==’ I don’t know why XSplit doesn’t recognize the window, it always used to work with the LoiLo Game Recorder (no streaming possible though, sadly)!
    – The framerate is really bad! It was terrible for playing, too laggy for anything!

    Oh dear … Why did I even start this on a Friday evening ==’ Now I’ll have to spent all weekend to get it right. Please help ;^;

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  • Zynga closes Ayakashi: Ghost Guild

    Zynga announced that on 30th April 2015 they will close down their mobile game Ayakashi: Ghost Guild.
    I find this very sad ;^; It’s been one of my most loved games on the iPod and I’ve really fallen in love with the awesome character of Mira! ^-^ I’ve signed a petition just in case, maybe we can accomplish something :)

    You can find the petition here:
    It’s worth a try …


    Zynga hat nun offiziell bestätigt, dass das Spiel am 30. April eingestellt wird. Mir ist es wirklich ans Herz gewachsen, besonders Mira! <3 Deshalb finde ich es sehr schade, dass diese Entscheidung getroffen wurde T-T Dennoch gibt es im Internet eine Petition, mit der wir vielleicht etwas erreichen können - schaden kann es jedenfalls nicht! Hier ist der Link:


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  • Useful Tips and Butterflies for Flutter

    For a long time now I’ve enjoyed playing the game Flutter! It’s about collecting butterflies and as you can imagine, there are a whole lot of them.
    In this post I want to collect all of the useful tips and butterflies!

    So first of all it is important to save as much Honeydew as you can. It’s best to set the pollen producing flowers to minimum time so that they don’t consume that much honeydew. I usually set them to 10 mins (Chunk of Pollen) and each time I check the game open and close the flowers again. This way there will be a bunch of pollen whenever I need some.
    Skills can be used when the butterfly is fully evolved and every butterfly has one.

    Butterflies with the most useful skills:

    Create 5 Barkbugs
    – # 1 Wood White (Mariposa/Common/Small)

    Hurry the Wisp Mother
    – # 158 Aphrodite Fritillary (Venus/Epic/Large) *Event*

    Duplicate a wisp
    – # 156 Cinnabar Moth (Venus/Uncommon/Medium)

    Upgrade an attract flower one level
    – # 153 Blue Mormon (Brahman/Rare/Medium) *Event*

    Create an attract flower
    – # 162 Noble Swallowtail (Ostara/Rare/Medium) *Event*

    Harvest and duplicate an attract flower
    – # 154 Andaman Mormon (Brahman/Epic/Large) *Event*

    Harvest all attract flowers
    – # 160 Orange Skipperling (Ostara/Common/Small) *Event*

    Hurry a Caterpillar
    – # 44 Peacock (Mariposa/Rare/Small)
    – # 116 Smokey Orange Tip (Colotis/Uncommon/Small) *Event*
    – # 152 Great Mormon (Brahman/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*

    Lay an egg for free
    – # 127 Resplendet Forester (Forester/Legendary/Medium) *Event*
    – # 145 Spider-Wing Cupid (Majutsu/Legendary/Small) *Event*
    – # 150 Gaudy Baron (Silverbell/Legendary/Medium) *Event*
    – # 159 Claudina’s Agrias (Venus/Legendary/Large) *Event*

    Hurry an Egg
    – # 76 Shan Nawab (Nawab/Uncommon/Small) *Event*
    – # 125 Blue-banded Forester (Forester/Rare/Medium) *Event*
    – # 148 Scarlet Peacock (Silverbell/Rare/Large) *Event*

    Chop an expansion foliage
    – # 114 Red-spotted Jezebel (Jezebel/Epic/Medium) *Event*
    – # 133 Blood-Red Skipper (Skipper/Legendary/Small) *Event*
    – # 169 Juno Longwing (Juno/Legendary/Large) *Event*

    Create Sap
    – # 87 Natal Acraea (Acraea/Epic/Medium) *Event*
    – # 132 Matho Skipper (Skipper/Epic/Medium) *Event*

    Create a Twig
    – # 88 Hewitson’s Acraea (Acraea/Common/Medium) *Event*
    – # 124 Edwards’ Forester (Forester/Uncommon/Small) *Event*
    – # 146 Frosted Elfin (Silverbell/Common/Small) *Event*

    Create a Leaf
    – # 90 Falcate Acraea (Acraea/Rare/Medium) *Event*
    – # 136 Amazon Blue Cracker (Cracker/Rare/Medium) *Event*

    Double pollen effectiveness on a butterfly for 1 minute
    – # 138 Carla Hairstreak (Hairstreak/Common/Small) *Event*

    Triple Honeydew received from next harvest
    – # 120 Regal Metalmark (Metalmark/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*
    – # 143 Dead Leaf (Majutsu/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*

    All nearby butterflies become ready instantly
    – # 110 Kite Swallowtail (Quetzal/Epic/Small)
    – # 119 Apollo Metalmark (Metalmark/Epic/Small) *Event*
    – # 144 Pale Owl (Majutsu/Rare/Large) *Event*

    Reset the day’s Basic Gift counter
    – # 131 Sachem Skipper (Skipper/Epic/Small) *Event*
    – # 149 Mountain Snow Apollo (Silverbell/Epic/Medium) *Event*

    Reset the store’s Daily Deals
    – # 118 Colotis Zoe (Colotis/Epic/Small) *Event*
    – # 137 Red Cracker (Cracker/Epic/Large) *Event*
    – # 163 Brazilian Mother-of-Pearl (Ostara/Epic/Large) *Event*

    Selects a valid butterfly for the current Mission
    – # 168 Judith’s Tiger Longwing (Juno/Epic/Large) *Event*

    Hurry a Mission
    – # 167 Numata Longwing (Juno/Rare/Medium) *Event*

    Switch to a random Mission
    – # 166 White-edged Longwing (Juno/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*

    Half the cost of a Pollen’s Flower next shift
    – # 112 Black Jezebel (Jezebel/Uncommon/Small) *Event*
    – # 129 Long-Tailed Skipper (Skipper/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*
    – #139 Great Blue Hairstreak (Hairstreak/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*

    Double pollen effectiveness on a butterfly for 1 minute
    – # 170 Sulphur Dotted Border (Nyeupe/Common/Small) *Event*

    Hurry a Pollen Flower
    – # 140 Crowned Hairstreak (Hairstreak/Rare/Medium) *Event*

    Change the color of a Pollen Flower
    – # 141 Large Fairy Hairstreak (Hairstreak/Epic/Medium) *Event*

    Hurry a Chrysalis
    – # 135 Yellow Cracker (Cracker/Uncommon/Medium) *Event*

    Create Hidden Eggs
    – # 161 Green Charaxes (Ostara/Uncommon/Medium) *Event* [1]
    – # 164 Forest Mother-of-Pearl (Ostara/Legendary/Large) *Event* [3]

    Give the Bee Fly love
    – # 155 Small Cupid (Venus/Common/Small) *Event*

    You can see that event butterflies are pretty useful. Even though you may not have attended the event, you can still get them when they visit your forest. Make sure to also check out the skill these visitors have, sometimes you can make good profit with it!

    Current update: Butterflies including Juno event

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  • GW2 – Staffel 2 Episode 8 Kein Zurück

    Es ist eine neue Episode der Lebendigen Welt veröffentlicht worden! Wenn ihr euch heute einloggt, sichert ihr euch Zugriff auf die Quests der Episode 8 (für alle Charaktere eures Accounts, so wie ich es verstehe)! Später würde man dafür mit Edelsteinen bezahlen müssen. Einfach bei eurem Charakter einloggen und unter Chronik nachschauen, ob Kein Zurück dort aufgeführt wird :)
    Alle offiziellen Infos findet ihr hier ^-^

    A new episode of the Lebendige Welt has been released! If you log into your account today, you will unlock this episode for all the characters on your account (as I understand). In case you want to do it later, you’ll probably have to pay with crystals for it. So just log into your character and check if the new episode has been listed in your chronicles!
    All news about this with trailers and everything is here ^-^

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  • YouTube! <3

    I got my own YouTube channel now! For posting gameplay videos and such ^-^
    Check out my channel! <3 The first video has just been uploaded :D Thanks for watching!

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