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TDUMS 17/06/2015

For now, Crumble spent his time reading everything about Toof Gnol. He wrote out all facts that made him seem like a dwarf and was overwhelmed by all the sites on the internet and books about him. Gnol was like the most famous guy ever (in dwarf history)!
Bunny Clemens tried helping him, but unfortunately wasn’t able to write in his furry form. So mainly he just read as well and shouted (squeaked) when he found something important.
Mira played around a lot with her new SpiriTab and found many useful applications for her everday spirit life. It made her happy that she had been able to help Stella on such an important task and she hoped this would happen more often.
Everyone seemed busy, so Jenna and Stella already prepared for creating the final potion for Clemens. These kinds of drinks had not been mentioned in magic class because they were pretty dangerous, so now there was a lot to research! Gladly, they were explained in a few of the many magic books both of them owned!
The day went by with everybody reading and concentrating…

One response to “TDUMS 17/06/2015”

  1. ASTROCAT Avatar

    Really nice and cute Bunny Clemens, but let Crumble create magic !!!
    Hey Bunny There will also be your time :)

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